Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
ECC2511 Economic growth: causes and consequences
University of Warwick
2016/17: Warwick Economics Summer School: International Development
2015/16: EC991: Topics in Applied Microeconomics
2014/15: on leave
2011-2013 EC338 Econometrics 2: Microeconometrics
2011 and 2012: EC307 Macroeconomic Policy in the EU
UC Los Angeles
2018: MGMTPHD201B Theory and Application of Regression Analysis (Ph.D. level)
2014/15: 204B Theory and Application of Regression Analysis (Ph.D. level)
University of Edinburgh
Spring 2010 Advanced Quantitative Methods (joint with Mark Schaffer)
University of Stirling
Spring 2010 BFIP13 Quantitative Methods in Finance (joint with David Bell)
Spring 2010 ECN48E Dissertations in Economics
Autumn 2009 ECN414 Economic Policy in Britain and Europe (joint with Bob Hart)
Autumn 2009 BFIP13 Quantitative Methods in Finance (joint with David Bell)
Spring 2009 ECN48E Dissertations in Economics
Spring 2009 ECN48M Dissertations in Money and Banking
Autumn 2008 ECN3LB Labour Economics (joint with David Bell)
University of Munich
WS 2007/08 Intergenerational Economics (joint with Tobias Seidel)
SS 2007 Seminar Bildungsökonomik (joint with Ludger Woessmann)
WS 2006/07 Bildungsökonomik (joint with Ludger Woessmann)
WS 2006/07 Labor Economics (joint with Ludger Woessmann)
SS 2006 on leave at UC San Diego
WS 2005/06 Intergenerational Economics (joint with Silke Übelmesser)
SS 2005 Labor Economics (joint with Ludger Woessmann)
WS 2004/05 Bildungsökonomik (joint with Ludger Woessmann)
SS 2004 Graduate Econometrics (Prof. Woitek)
SS 2004 SPS Staatsverschuldung (Prof. Sinn)
SS 2004 AVWL II (Macroeconomics) (Prof. Woitek)
WS 2003/04 AVWL II (Macroeconomics) (Prof. Woitek)
SS 2003 Graduate Econometrics (Prof. Woitek)
WS 2002/03 VWL 1 (Microeconomics) (Prof. Schmidt)
SS 2002 Sozialstaat und Sozialversicherung (Prof. Sinn)
SS 2002 SPS Allokation (Prof. Sinn)
WS 2001/02 AVWL II (Macroeconomics) (Prof. Klasen)
University of Bonn
WS 1996 Statistik II (Prof. Sondermann)
WS 1995/96 Statistik II (Prof. Schürger)
SS 1995 Statistik I (Prof. Schürger)